
FutVerse - Privacy Policies

Privacy Policy - FutVerse These "Terms and Conditions" are applicable to the registration and use of the FutVerse game, whoever registers and uses the game, will be given the status of "user". The owner of the app is NIVERIN DEVS, domiciled in Colombia. The registration and use of the app by the user(s) indicates the absolute acceptance of these terms and conditions and the privacy policy. The access, navigation and use of this and without reservation of all the terms and conditions presented in this document on its use, having the same validity and effectiveness as any contract concluded in writing and signed. Its observance and compliance will be enforceable with respect to any person who accesses, browses or uses it. Therefore, if you do not agree with the terms set forth herein, do not access, browse or use the app. USERS: Adults: each user guarantees and declares to be over 18 years of age to access the app and register, to be competent to understand and accept